What is the Sharia concerned with respect to Conventional alternative financing

The Majority of conventional alternative financing platforms whether that's you know it's a crowdfunding whether it's P2P financing whether it's  you know micro-lending whether it's invoice factoring these are all forms of  alternative Finance whether it's a venture capital these are different areas many of them especially in the conventional space anyway you could say Venture Capital can be put separate that has its own kind of Dynamics and equity crowdfunding for the rest whether it's micro-lending or it's you know loans it's P2P lending invoice factoring majority of them are purely interest-based transactions majority of them whereby the structure it's purely a loan that's being issued by the investors so the investors are actually borrowers coming onto a platform they are rewarded for their funds that they provided through interest payments plus principle and that's why  it creates a huge Sharia risk to one is to be an investor on a conventional platform secondly for a borrowing company to go on a convention platform and raise  financing